Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What To Do When The Fairy Tale Falls Apart

Remember that moment when you first pushed that little girl down on the playground to get her attention?...Or perhaps you were the little girl who went flying. It’s in this moment that we discover the thrill of the chase and begin to sharpen our skills for attracting those whose attention we seek.  Shortly followed by maddening frustration when the results we want are not the results that we receive.  Furthermore, we are all too often left in the steaming pile of shattered dreams and abandoned intentions when we watch this carefully honed plan on how to land the perfect mate come crashing down around us.  Be it that we married the wrong person all together, categorically blew it with someone that we loved, or they just never freakin’ showed up. What do we do when the fairy tale falls apart? Beaker Speaks is about the journey through single life and into the relationship that fits like a glove.

I have a very unique job. My name is Amanda and I am a matchmaker. I have introduced hundreds of souls and along the way I have collected their stories right along with the questions that confound us.   By virtue of standing in the right place at the right time, in all of my geekdom and being perplexed and too obnoxious to be quiet, myself and the people I have served have laid the variables of being single adults on the table. We have wrestled with them in a good old fashioned, Texas style come to Jesus ..and by George, we have answers that work!!!! I have a bird’s eye view of the relationship struggles and successes that regular people experience every day and I intend for Beaker Speaks to be a forum, a playground if you please, to claim our dating life as amazing singles who deserve the best of what reality has to offer. 

Here we explore the "Dating Do’s and Dont's." Here we navigate the very complicated moving target that is dating when the fairy tale falls apart. We must first accept our world as it is and develop a resolve to sharpen the tools at our disposal in order to ensure that we don’t settle and that we don’t sink while letting every viable ship sail right past us.

Dating can be an exhilarating self-affirming time or a very scary time in your life. I have learned so much from the beautiful souls who have allowed me to walk beside them in their fear, their excitement, their disappointment and frustration, their nervousness, their heart break… the relief, the gratification and the greatest gift of all…LOVE!!!

I will share my story which gave breathe to my process as a matchmaker and which compelled me to define the science that we use to guide people on the path of meeting singles of the caliber that they seek . I will share the process which sheds light on the dating woes and dating rules that I use to coach singles into long lasting happy relationships in upcoming Beaker Squeaks.

Like so many others, I never thought I would be divorced.  At 33 I found myself a single mom, with a demanding career and an ex-husband who exerts way too much energy in trying to squish me (whose actions more resemble Freddy Krueger than the man I married.) I found myself divorced with two babies, miles away from home, and years past leaving a neuropharmacology graduate program to serve my family.  I was determined - well, hell bent - on recovering from the heartbreak of a husband who left with the words “I don’t love you, and I don't think I ever did.”  I simply refused to allow myself to become a bitter,angry and jaded shell of myself. Needless to say I felt just like many of my singles share today…I felt worthless, ugly, unlovable, damaged and humiliated. So what does a good little muppet-like chick do? Dive into the science. Not so long after that, serendipity stepped in and BeakerSpeaks was born.  I no longer stand in those shoes. Today, I have a peaceful handle on where I’ve been and where I am in the pursuit of Happily Ever After.

Today our mission is to launch the format and to claim power over our single dating lives. To lay out the format where we can ask the questions, analyze the answers and explore the science that we are using to rewrite the rules.  

Most singles express the sentiment that they feel as if they have fallen prey to tired, worn out rules of generations lost. We want to keep those traditions and rules that serve us. Let's attach a healthy dose of C4 to those which do not and blow the antiquated fairy tales that defeat us to smithereens. 

We begin with an OH So important inventory of where we’re at in the journey of single life. We cannot realize what we don’t understand and we can’t avoid the land minds if we don’t have a map of where they’re buried…

So where have you been? What has landed you here with us today? Perhaps you’ve never been married, maybe you’ve married lots of people. Wherever you are on the spectrum of love’s experience, you are accepted here. Give it some thought will you? Leave me a COMMENT on how you ended up surprisingly single and come back to see us next week. We are going to dive right into The Rules of Dating for starters.

Until next time…happy flirting fabulous singles!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Amanda!

    It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has landed squarely on my head after being ejected from a relationship I hoped would be til death do us part not just until we wanted to kill each other.

    It wasn't a terrible marriage but we were exceecingly good at bringing out the worst in each other. Over a period of 10 years we learned how to "live" with each other. We are both good people and we tried hard (really) but we never did fit all that well. We got married because we got pregnant while dating. I only say we because I'm pretty sure I played a part in that little miracle. I thought it was the right thing to do but I found out years later that getting married and/or staying married for the kids sake is not always what is best for the family.

    Long story short I was more devestated by the loss of the family unit even though it wasn't the healthiest or the best for our kids. We've been divorced two years now and we are better friends and parents than when we were married. Our kids are doing great because we put them first.

    I married the wrong woman for me and she married the wrong man for her so Amanda, I for one am looking forward to reading more about how to meet a woman who brings out the very best in me and who's world I can make just a little better by being a part of it. I do miss the family life but I'm not willing to settle again for any reason.

    I have found dating challenging but not because getting dates is a challenge. It's really been hard to find what I'm looking for. Sweet, intelligent, level headed, spiritual and I have to be honest, beautiful... is that too much to ask? I'm actually beginning to wonder. I just want to connect on those important levels so I don't make the same mistake twice.

    What do you think?
